- Java + Selenium Test Automation Engineering

Master the art of automated testing with industry leading tools and technologies. This comprehensive course equips you with the necessary skills to write, maintain, and debug automation tests and automation freameworks, ensuring software quality across application UIs (user interface) and APIs (application programming interface).

Delivery Format
Monday - Thursday: 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
24 WeeksPart-time

Curriculum Overview

Week 1-2Basic SQL: Understanding Databases, Writing Basic Queries, Joins, Aggregations
Week 3-4Manual Testing & Concepts: Introduction, Importance, and Basics
Week 5-8Core Java: Basic Concepts, OOP Principles, Collections, Exceptions, File I/O, Multithreading
Week 9Version Control with Git: Basic Commands, Branching, Merging
Week 10Collaborating with GitHub: Repositories, Pull Requests, Issues, Actions
Week 11Basic HTML, CSS, and Maven: Web Page Structure, Styling Basics, Maven Lifecycle
Week 12-13Selenium WebDriver: Introduction, Setup, Commands, Element Interactions
Week 14Introduction to Postman: Basic Requests, Assertions, Collections
Week 15RestAssured for API Automation in Java
Week 16-17Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with Cucumber & Gherkin
Week 18Test Frameworks: Introduction to Junit, Annotations, Asserts
Week 19-20Frameworks & Techniques: Data-Driven, Keyword-Driven, and Hybrid Frameworks in Java
Week 21-22Real-life Project Work: Planning, Execution, and Automation Strategies
Week 23-24Capstone Project Presentation, Final Reviews, Interview Preparation & Mock Interviews

Tech Stack

  • Manual Testing
  • Java
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SQL
  • Command Line
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Postman
  • RestAssured
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Maven
  • Cucumber
  • Gherkin
  • Junit

Re:boot was an intense but incredibly rewarding experience. The instructors are top-notch and the curriculum is comprehensive. I am so glad I chose to attend this bootcamp and highly recommend it to anyone looking to break into the tech industry.

- Mohammed S.

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